How A Simple Message On A Starbuck’s Cup Saved A Woman’s Life

Mental illness blights the lives of millions. Every day, they have to fight a battle that no one can see inside their mind. It’s a lonely experience for many, and it can lead some into a place so dark that they believe they have no option other than to take their own lives.

But one woman suddenly decided not to end her life because of a simple message on a Starbucks cup.

To those who don’t know her, Bekah Georgy of Salem, New Hampshire, is a happy young woman who loves dogs, ballet and spending time with her friends and family, but she has a dark secret which has consumed most of her life so far.

“When you look at me, you might assume I’m happy, bubbly, outgoing, and full of life. But you don’t really see the complete me. You wouldn’t know that behind this plastered smile is a girl who has broken and fallen to pieces,” she revealed

“You wouldn’t know this girl had so much self-hate, she starved herself for over half her young life.”

Bekah suffers from anorexia nervosa and her battle with the illness has caused her to attempt to end her life five times already. In October 2015, she opened up to the mental health website The Mighty about a small act of kindness which stopped her from trying to end her life again.

No matter how bad her mental and physical health is, one of the constants in Bekah’s life is her love of coffee.

In the story that she recounted, she wrote that on one particularly dark day, when she was consumed by suicidal thoughts, all she wanted was an iced coffee from Starbucks, and it was this simple craving that ended up making an immeasurable difference to her life.

The story was written in the form of a letter to the Starbucks barista who unknowingly saved her.

The post How A Simple Message On A Starbuck’s Cup Saved A Woman’s Life appeared first on Viral Thread.

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