Home Depot Employee Gets Fired For Saving A Child From Being Kidnapped

What would you do if you were at work, and you saw a child getting kidnapped? It would be nice to think that most of us would step in to help, that we would go after the assailant while calling the police. It would also be nice to think that your company would understand the circumstances, and let you off for leaving the workplace for an urgent matter.

However, in a very extreme case of unfair dismissal, a home depot worker was fired from his job after saving a young child from being kidnapped. 32-year-old Dillon Reagan, from Portland, Oregon, had worked at the Mall 205 Home Depot store for four years when he saw the incident occur. He said that “at the time, the only thing I was thinking about was the child’s safety”, rather than company policy.

In an interview with local news company KGW, Dillon describes how he was finishing his shift on May 12 when things began to turn chaotic. He says a fellow colleague had requested his help after witnessing a violent, domestic incident, and when Dillon had got out to the car park: “sure enough, there’s this lady who’s frantic and crying, ‘Somebody help me please! He’s stealing my kid, he’s kidnapping my child!’”

The post Home Depot Employee Gets Fired For Saving A Child From Being Kidnapped appeared first on Viral Thread.

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