02 Oct Hefner’s Former Girlfriends Reveal What Life With The Playboy Founder Was Really Like
Hugh Hefner’s hareem of blonde-haired, big-busted girlfriends became almost as famous as the man himself during the early noughties. Whilst men a quarter of Hefner’s age simply longed for one girlfriend, he proudly went around with seven.
Life as one of Hefner’s girlfriends appeared glamorous – all they did was attend high profile events with their beau and spend their days enjoying life at the Playboy mansion. But, there was a darker side to being a girlfriend. A much darker side, which, until now, many had not been prepared to talk about…
Here’s the shocking reality of what it took to become one of Hefner’s notorious girlfriends…
1. The sex test
Playboy is famed for its depiction of, as Hefner put it, “the romantic connection between the sexes”, and any woman who wanted to become a girlfriend had to bed Hefner first. If it went well, he might ask her to be a girlfriend.
2. Clothing allowance
Hefner’s girlfriends weren’t allowed to have jobs so he provided them with a clothing allowance to ensure that they always looked their best. They were given $1,000 every Friday from their man, and he paid for any beauty (or cosmetic) treatments they asked for too.
“We had to go to Hef’s room,” former girlfriend Izabella St. James revealed, “wait while he picked up all the dog poo off the carpet — and then ask for our allowance.
“We all hated this process. Hef would always use the occasion to bring up anything he wasn’t happy about in the relationship.
“Most of the complaints were about the lack of harmony among the girlfriends — or your lack of sexual participation in the ‘parties’ he held in his bedroom.
“If we’d been out of town for any reason and missed one of the official ‘going out’ nights he wouldn’t want to give us the allowance. He used it as a weapon.”
3. Silence was golden
The girlfriends were eye candy and nothing more. When Hefner took his girls to a red carpet event, they were expected to smile and look pretty, but not talk unless it was absolutely necessary. As far as Hefner was concerned, all attention should be on him.
“If you do something wrong, you’ll get an email,” Playboy model Melissa Howe revealed to The Mirror. “There’s a strict code of conduct. There are even rules about Instagram and Twitter.
“You’ve got to show everything in a good light and if you’re drunk in a picture you’ll be in trouble.”
4. The ‘Number One Girlfriend’
Not all of Hefner’s girlfriends were equal. He might have dated multiple women at once, but he always had a ‘Number One Girlfriend’ who he would have a more serious relationship with. She would share his bedroom, and amongst other duties, would be expected to have anal sex with him.
Hefner’s longest standing number one girlfriend was Holly Madison. The two had a seven-year relationship, and she openly expressed a desire to marry the Playboy founder and have his children, despite their colossal age difference, but the relationship ended when he refused to put a ring on her finger. This prompted Madison to write an explosive tell-all book…
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