Hectic Video Shows Why You Should Never Go Near an Angry Bull

As the producers of our milk – as well as the source of our steaks and burgers – it’s easy to think of cows as being little more than walking nourishment. Usually, cows stand around in fields, chewing grass and mooing loudly, and it’s hard to think of them as being dangerous in any way. Appearances can be deceiving, however; statistically, cows are more deadly than the fearsome shark, and the males of the species are so notorious for their blinding rage and sheer power that some corners of humanity make a sport and spectacle of defeating one in combat.

While the ethics of bullfighting remain widely contested, there are still places in Spain, Portugal and Mexico that host massive events centred around teasing a raging bull, before eventually slaying it. Sometimes, though, the bull exacts a small degree of revenge. Out on the island of Terceira off the Portuguese mainland, footage has been captured showing exactly what can happen when you take too many liberties with an angry bull.

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