Hairdresser Dyes Client’s Hair With Nutella And The Results Are Simply Delicious

Nutella is a staple in many households around the globe.

The irresistible and morish hazelnut-chocolate spread can be spread on toast, in sandwiches, on bagels, on pancakes, pastries, it can be used in baking cakes, swirled into ice cream, you can stuff donuts with it, dip strawberries in it, mixed with rice crispies, used as a filling for sweet ravioli, and – my personal favorite – eaten straight off the spoon.

It really is as versatile as it is delicious – and Nutella know just how crazy people are for their tasty spread. Since first hitting supermarket shelves in 1965, just look how many products the company have released in order to curb customer’s cravings:

Mini Nutella cups for dipping on the go!

Breakfast sticks for a quick fix in the mornings!

Nutella dip and breadsticks, for a tasty lunchbox treat!

And for the ultimate maniacs, a Nutella snack & drink combo:

Nutella, take my money. Take all of my money.

However, now one man has found a very bizarre use for the hazelnut-chocolate spread, that doesn’t involve actually eating it.

The post Hairdresser Dyes Client’s Hair With Nutella And The Results Are Simply Delicious appeared first on Viral Thread.

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