25 Jun Hack Netflix With These Secret Codes to Gain Access to Hidden Movie Categories
Hey movie buffs and TV addicts! I’ve got great news for you. If you’re a Netflix subscriber, there’s a new way to see thousands of films that might otherwise never come up on your home screen. The hack is based on Netflix’s numerous movie categories, which are curated in order to tailor your binge watching experience as much as possible. By tracking and learning your behaviour, Netflix can suggest even more niche categories which intersect with your various interests. For instance, you might expect categories such as “Children’s films” but did you know even more specific categories like “Movies for ages 0 to 2” and “Movies made from children’s books” exist? Thanks to this simple hack, you can find these categories and many more films you might have been missing this whole time.
The hack is simple. Adding a different combination of numbers into a URL unlocks the genre corresponding to that number. For instance, 1365 is for “Action and Adventure” and 31574 is for “Classic Movies”. Log into Netflix and enter www.netflix.com/browse/genre/XXXX where “xxxx” is the number of the genre you’re interested in. Keep in mind that regional differences might mean that some codes don’t work in certain regions. Also, Netflix regularly updates its algorithm so the codes themselves might change. However, for now, you can find a list of codes for the main genres below, as well as a few sub-categories. Perhaps you could even make up some number combinations and see what you come up with. Have fun!
1. Action & Adventure (1365)
- Asian Action Movies (77232)
- Classic Action & Adventure (46576)
- Action Comedies (43040)
- Action Thrillers (43048)
- Adventures (7442)
- Comic Book and Superhero Movies (10118)
- Westerns (7700)
- Spy Action & Adventure (10702)
- Crime Action & Adventure (9584)
- Foreign Action & Adventure (11828)
- Martial Arts Movies (8985)
- Military Action & Adventure (2125)
2. Anime (7424)
- Adult Animation (11881)
- Anime Action (2653)
- Anime Comedies (9302)
- Anime Dramas (452)
- Anime Features (3063)
- Anime Sci-Fi (2729)
- Anime Horror (10695)
- Anime Fantasy (11146)
- Anime Series (6721)
3. Children & Family Movies (783)
- Movies for ages 0 to 2 (6796)
- Movies for ages 2 to 4 (6218)
- Movies for ages 5 to 7 (5455)
- Movies for ages 8 to 10 (561)
- Movies for ages 11 to 12 (6962)
- Education for Kids (10659)
- Disney (67673)
- Movies based on children’s books (10056)
- Family Features (51056)
- TV Cartoons (11177)
- Kids’ TV (27346)
- Kids Music (52843)
- Animal Tales (5507)
4. Classic Movies (31574)
- Classic Comedies (31694)
- Classic Dramas (29809)
- Classic Sci-Fi & Fantasy (47147)
- Classic Thrillers (46588)
- Film Noir (7687)
- Classic War Movies (48744)
- Epics (52858)
- Classic Foreign Movies (32473)
- Silent Movies (53310)
- Classic Westerns (47465)
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