13 Oct Gynecologists Reveal The 11 Worst Things You Can Do During Your Appointment
The female reproductive organs are incredible, and women have a duty to make sure that their vaginas and breasts are kept in tip-top condition. That is why it is important to regularly visit a gynaecologist at least once a year.
As most of us already know, no two vaginas are the same. Even if you are embarrassed about flashing your wobbly bits to a professional, I can guarantee that you won’t have anything down there that they haven’t seen before.
But staring straight into women’s lady boxes all day long is not a job for the fainthearted. Gynos have period blood to contend with, bushes straight out of a 70s porno, and, of course, the smells. Oh God – the smells!
Whilst most women take good care of their vaginas, that’s not always the case, and some people let nature run riot downstairs. Here’s the 11 things that gynaecologists absolutely hate their patients doing…
1. Cancelling appointments because of periods
Gynecologists are busy people, and they are used to seeing period blood. They’d much rather you turned up to your appointment looking like Carrie than leaving them with an empty appointment slot at the last minute.
2. Repeatedly having to ask you to move down the table
Gynecologists aren’t there to admire your vagina from afar. As much as you don’t want them to, you need to get up close and personal if you want to make sure that you’re reproductive organs are as they should be.
3. Bringing your partner into the appointment
There is absolutely nothing sexual about a gynaecologist appointment. So why on Earth would you feel the need to bring your partner into the appointment with you? It makes your gyno feel incredibly uncomfortable.
4. Referring to Google as a doctor
It doesn’t matter what your symptoms are, if you Google them, you will have convinced yourself that you have brain cancer within less than half an hour. So don’t refer to the search engine as a doctor to your gyno. Seriously.
A little-known fact about vaginas is that they are completely self-cleaning. This means that there’s absolutely no need to put any soaps or gels up there. Everything that needs to come out is, quite literally, discharged.
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