14 Jul Global Warming Fears Rise Following News That One Trillion Ton Iceberg Has Broken Off Antarctic Ice Shelf
Global warming has been one of the scarier trending topics for years now. Climate change is something that our society has to begin tackling now in order to ensure that future generations don’t suffer from the damage that humans have caused to the planet over the last few decades. Millennials, in particular, have grown up with the implications of global warming being a tangible reality. Consequently, alongside creating Papier-mâché volcanoes in Geography, we studied the hole in the ozone layer and the properties of greenhouse gases. However, in recent years there has been an increased focus on the effect that global warming has already had on Antarctica and the majestic creatures that call it home.
If you’re a user of a little thing called the internet, I can guarantee that you’ve seen picture after picture of forlorn polar bears and penguins who are struggling with the rate at which their habitat is being destroyed. Whilst their plight has caught the public’s consciousness for the better, our own land is also under threat. The melting of Antarctica’s gargantuan ice-sheet is contributing to rising sea levels, which are threatening a number of low-lying nations including China, Japan and Indonesia. But now scientists have reason to urge that something be done imminently as a one-trillion tonne iceberg has just broken off the Antarctic ice shelf.
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