14 Jun Girl Savagely Ghosted by Her BF of 5 Years Whilst on A Romantic Birthday Trip
Getting dumped by someone is pretty hard to take. Getting dumped on your birthday whilst you are on holiday and via text message must be absolutely savage. However, this is what happened to one anonymous poster on Elite Daily who was on holiday with her boyfriend of 5 YEARS when he decided to take off and leave. Check out her story below.
“Two years ago, I went to Miami for my birthday weekend with my boyfriend.
“We were on and off for five years, but we were finally trying to make it work for good and go on our first trip together, alone.
“There were a few hiccups on our way there. He didn’t speak to me the entire flight due to a fear of flying. News to me.
“We had to wait a while for our room to be ready, so we went spent the day just hanging out and drinking at the bar. We made friends with the bartenders and just had a great time laughing with each other, as we always did.
“We got to the room around 4:30 and, since it was our first day, I was excited to go out and have dinner and enjoy the nightlife. So I showered and got ready quickly, and he fell asleep.
“So I laid in bed with him until, suddenly, it’s 11 and he’s still not up. Honestly, I huffed and puffed and was less than thrilled. Shoot me.
“He popped up and got himself dressed and had the audacity to ask me how long it would take me to get ready for dinner. Mind you, I was still in my dress with my hair still done. I said just a few minutes so I can touch up my makeup and maybe fix my bobby pins in my hair.
“He said he would meet me at the bar. I’m thinking hotel bar. So I walked downstairs and realized he’s not there.”
“I text him and said, ‘Tell me you’re at the restaurant bar’ and he was.
“Call me crazy, but if you are on a vacation with your significant other, you wait for them to go to the restaurant together.
“I was pissed. So I said I’ll just stay back and ring in my birthday at the hotel by myself.
“Could I have figured out where the restaurant was? Absolutely, but at that point I was so annoyed and turned off by his actions throughout the day. I was just taken aback and upset.
“So I sat in the room and ordered room service and watched makeover shows on TLC.
“At 12 am he TEXTS me, ‘happy birthday *****’ and I didn’t answer. At some point, I fell asleep and, around 2/2:30am, I thought I heard him come in.
“His luggage was right by my bed, so I heard the zipper at some point, half asleep, and I just waited to feel him come into the bed. I wasn’t looking to fight then. It would happen in the morning.
“But then he never came into the bed.”
“I don’t know how much time passed, but I shot up and looked for him. I noticed his bag was gone, and I ran into the bathroom and noticed all of his toiletries were gone.I ran to the front door, and he had left it open. You know how you flip that lock down so the door doesn’t close all the way? That’s what he did.
“So he left me in the hotel room alone with the door open, and he disappeared. I was terrified and freaking out. I called him over and over and over, and he never answered.
“I text him and no answer. I begged for him to come back. No answer.
“I called until maybe 5:30 am when I finally fell asleep from emotional exhaustion.
“At around 6:30 am, I got a text from him basically saying goodbye to me and that he was leaving me in Miami. On my birthday. By myself.”
That is absolutely insane. To be honest, I don’t know what is worse, his spelling or his actions? In all seriousness, that is a nasty move. The poster pleaded for him to come back but he never did and she hasn’t spoken to him in the two years that have gone by since it happened, can you really blame her?
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