24 Aug German Grocery Store Remove All Of Their Foreign Produce From Shelves To Prove A Point About Racism
The western world is a bit of a political hotbed at the moment, and immigration seems to lie and the center of it. With Brexit looming large in the UK and a large part of Donald Trump’s election campaign focusing on reducing immigration into the US, it’s safe to say that it is the issue of the day when it comes to western politics.
However, while the majority of news stories and discussions seem to focus on what we can do to reduce immigration, one thing that tends to get ignored is how much we depend on foreign imports.
One country where immigration is currently at the center of a political debate, is Germany. The country is gearing up to head to the polls later this year, and party policy on immigration is being widely touted as the deciding factor in regards to which party will emerge victorious in the election. The country is torn when it comes to immigration, after Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to allow over 1 million migrants into Germany in 2015; a decision which was greeted with a great deal of hostility and praise in equal measure.
In light of our reliance on foreign products, and the current political climate in Germany, one grocery store in Hamburg, Germany, decided to remove all of it’s foreign products from its shelves in order to prove a point about racism and the hypocritical nature of the western world when it comes to discussing immigration.
I bet you’ve never seen your local supermarket look quite like this…
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