Frustrated Husband Hilariously Parodies Wife’s Instagram Posts And Wins The Internet

Instagram’s a social media sensation. Since it was launched in 2010, the photo-sharing social media app has grown exponentially in popularity. From Average Joes documenting their day-to-day lives to fitness bloggers sharing their dieting tips and tricks, there’s something for everyone on Instagram.

One of these fitness bloggers is Amy Hopkinson – a London-based gym instructor who’s amassed almost 30,000 followers by sharing her incredibly healthy lifestyle with the world.

Whilst Amy’s lifestyle might have brought her online fame, it’s not to her husband Ted’s liking – whose comparatively unhealthy lifestyle makes him one of Instagram’s many Average Joes. He’d grown tired of watching his wife obsess over her social media presence on the app and decided to take action…

”All of a sudden I was having to stand on the sofa behind her to get a good angle of some porridge unsanitarily close to her feet,” he revealed, ”or awkwardly skulk behind her to avoid being caught on her morning story. I thought the whole thing was insane.”

So, like any true legend, Ted set up his own parody account and hilariously began to recreate his wife’s Instagram photos. ”Preaching wellness one self-important #wellfie at a time…”

The post Frustrated Husband Hilariously Parodies Wife’s Instagram Posts And Wins The Internet appeared first on Viral Thread.

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