29 Jun Friends Take the Same Group Photo for 35 Years and They’ve Gone Viral
What’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen a group of adult friends do? Whatever it is, forget about it, because this beats it. Five best friends from Santa Barbara, California are back again with their Five Year Photo Project, where they return to the same place every five years to recreate a photo that was taken of them way back in 1982. This most recent addition is the 8th installment to the project, and marks 35 years of friendship.
In 1982, best buds John Wardlaw, Mark Rumer, Dallas Burney, John Molony, and John Dickson were vacationing near Copco Lake in Northern California. Just 19 at the time, the original photo shows five young men siting on a bench, one holding a jar, and all doing their best poker faces. What’s in the jar, you ask? A cockroach that the crew had decided to keep as a pet, along with a photo of actor Robert Young (to keep the roach company), and a butterscotch candy (in case he gets hungry).
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