Forbes Reveals The Highest Earning Celebrities of 2017

Imagine earning $4.11 per second. That’s $246.58 per minute, $355,068.49 per day and $130million per year. That is how much the highest earning celebrity in the world earned last year. It’s the type of money we all dream of when we sit at our desks and talk about what we would do if we won the lottery.

Every year, Forbes bring out their “Top Earners” list which features eye watering amounts of money and fuels a lot of jealousy. You can imagine the celebrities themselves wait for it to be announced and take a peek at which one of their famous friends is doing better or worse than them. There are a few unsurprising names in the list and a couple of people who might raise a few eyebrows. Take a look at the list below and make of it what you will.

10. LeBron James – $86million

A good year money wise for LeBron James. After the bitter disappointment of losing the NBA finals to the Golden Gate Warriors, LeBron can rest easy knowing he’s earned $86 million this year and also has a lifetime sponsorship deal with Nike worth a reported $1bn.

9. James Patterson – $87 million

James Pattison has had a year to remember in terms of his finances. The author sold 9.5 million units across the world whilst also having many of his stories snapped up by film companies.

8.  Coldplay – $88 million

Even though they aren’t a person, Coldplay are down as one singular package on this list. The band have had a fantastic year with their Head Full of Dreams Tour pulling in over $5 million per night. No wonder Chris Martin seems so excited all the time.

7. Howard Stern – $90 million

Controversial radio and television personality Howard Stern managed to earn his money off the back of his eight figure salary at the American radio station Sirius XM. With an app and other digital ventures in the pipeline, do not be surprised to see him in the top 10 next year as well.

6. The Weeknd – $92 million

The Toronto native has had the year of his life by becoming one of the biggest artists in the world. The Weeknd embarked on his Star Boy tour which drew in approximately $1.1 million each night. On top of that, he’s also landed himself a model girlfriend. So it’s fair to say that life is pretty good right now for the singer.

The post Forbes Reveals The Highest Earning Celebrities of 2017 appeared first on Viral Thread.

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