22 Sep Footage Shows Scientist Letting Electric Eel Shock His Arm For Groundbreaking Experiment
Science has changed the face of our planet irrevocably, allowing us to better understand the world in which we live. But it’s not just humankind that inhabits the Earth, it’s animals too, and, even in 2017, there’s still a lot we don’t know about them.
Sea life, in particular, remains a mystery to us, as less than 5% of the world’s ocean has been explored to date.
So when Kenneth Catania, a professor at Vanderbilt University, decided to let an electric eel shock his arm, no one knew what was going to happen. Whilst it’s common knowledge that eels can shock people under water, little is known about their shocks above it…
Eel shocks above water have only ever been documented once, and it happened 200 years ago when German naturalist Alexander von Humbolt saw an eel jumping out of shallow water and proceed to shock wild horses that had been led into the area as bait.
Catania has been studying electric eels for years and whist he’s observed some behaviour that indicates eels will jump out of water when provoked, he believed that there was only one way of testing his theory absolutely – by using his own arm as bait.
“[It]almost seemed like destiny, in a weird way,” Catania said.
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