05 Oct Fired Disney Employee Reveals What It’s Really Like To Work At “The Happiest Place On Earth”
Three years ago, after graduating from the University of Florida, I decided to take a leap into the unknown and apply for a job at Disney World. A summer of fun in a place I’d dreamed of working in since I was a kid seemed like the perfect way to de-stress after college. To my surprise, I was accepted and started working at “The Happiest Place On Earth”. Or so I thought…
A few weeks into my journey as a Disney employee, my childhood was ruined. As a kid, I’ll never forget the delight I felt when I met Cruella de Vil at the park for the first time, but that memory lay in tatters when I discovered she was played by a former stripper. But that wasn’t the only shocking revelation I made whilst working at Disney World…
Working at Disney World might seen like a dream job. Who wouldn’t want to work in the sun, surrounded by happy faces and thrilling rides?! But behind the scenes, employees are placed in shackles and forced to follow a very large and strict rulebook. Don’t get me wrong, I had a lot of great times there, but here are 20 secrets everybody needs to know about working at Disney World…
1. You MUST Be Slim
If you’ve ever been to Disney World, then you’ll know that the princesses are played by stunningly beautiful women. I was selected from over 400 people at an open audition for the job, but had no idea this played a role in me landing it. Disney princesses have to be slim.
And when I say slim, I mean slim. Sadly, that means that a lot of otherwise beautiful women don’t have a shot at working as princesses in the park. It’s not done for the reason that you might think. Disney Princesses have to have slender waistlines because the costume designs haven’t changed since the ’70s, and back then, women were, generally speaking, slimmer.
2. Speeding Is A Problem
I’m sure we’ve all been in the position of accidentally sleeping in before work, or having our train fail to arrive on time, but Disney employees can get into a lot of trouble if they’re late for work and decide to do this in the park. If an employee rushes through the park, it’s referred to as “speeding”, and it’s a real problem.
Unlike in most other jobs, if you’re late, you’re just going to have to accept it and walk into the park at the same speed as the meandering tourists. It’s considered dangerous if employees run through the park, especially as there’s a lot of small children around, which I think is perfectly reasonable.
3. Celebrities Aren’t Special
Throughout the year, Disney gets its fair share of celebrity visitors. They might be on vacation themselves, or looking to try out a ride based on a movie they’ve starred in, and employees are under strict instructions about how to treat them. Whenever we saw celebrities, we were told to treat them like any other guest. If we failed to follow this rule, and let our inner fangirl lose, then we’d be at risk of losing our job.
All I can say is that I’m glad (sort 0f) that I never bumped into Johnny Depp whilst working at Disney World. That being said, I think a hug with Captain Jack Sparrow would be worth losing my job over as I ended up losing it anyway!
4. Creepy Dads
As a Disney princess, it was my job to greet families and people pretty much all day. My face honestly hurt with all the smiling that I had to do. Whilst it was adorable seeing little kids dressed the same way as me, this was something I hated about the job.
I had to play a lot of different princesses during my time at Disney World, and a lot of dads (and even granddads) would try and hit on me. I’d get jokes about living with the seven dwarfs when I was dressed as Snow White, and, when I was dressed as Belle, just as a kid and their mom walked away, a dad said to me, “When the Beast goes to bed, I’ll be waiting for you in the library.”
5. Most Princes Are Gay
Since Disney princesses have to be beautiful, gorgeous young men are naturally hired to be princes too. However, the slight hope I had of meeting a prince of my own on the job was dashed when I realised that most of them were gay. Don’t get me wrong though, there’s still relationships which occur between the princess and the straight princes, which I’ll get to later in this article…
Even if you go looking for more than one Mickey Mouse, I can bet you that you’ll never find them, even though they do exist. This is why…
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