28 Jul Ferrari Driver Wrecks $260,000 Car In Horror Crash Just One Hour After Buying It
Work hard in life and the rewards are obvious.
That concept will be familiar to many of us, who slog day in, day out, keeping our heads down and doing our utmost to earn a living. Of course, only a small portion of the world’s employed population ever earn a truly telling sum of money. Such individuals would tell you of the sacrifices and dedication that such financial reward is borne from, though it surely follows that no small amount of luck and a relatively fortunate starting place also play their part in accruing considerable wealth.
Of course, for some, wealth is handed to them on a plate. It is easy to resent such individuals, who have never had to work hard for their financial freedom, despite it not being their own fault that they happened to be born into unimaginable riches. In the case of those who have worked hard for most of their lives to be granted such financial liberty, it is understandable that they might want to afford themselves certain luxuries; after all, they’ve earned it, quite literally.
For most of us, though, a $260,000 Ferrari, for example, is an unimaginable version of reality. The price of a reasonably priced house, there is simply no way that the vast majority of the world’s population could afford such opulence. So imagine, if you would, the gut wrenching feeling of writing it off a mere hour after buying it.
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