Fergie Butchers The US National Anthem After Failing To “Sex It Up”

In 1931, President Herbert Hoover official declared ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ as the official national anthem for the United States of America. Since then, we’ve heard several questionable renditions that have made audiences raise a few eyebrows, but now Fergie can comfortably claim to have one of the worst performances ever.

The former Black Eyed Peas singer had the honor of performing the national anthem at the NBA All-Star Game over the weekend,  and it was a performance nobody will forget in a hurry. Instead of being thwarted by nerves or illness, the performance was destroyed by her own artistic input.

Attempted to put a “sexy jazz-twist” on the historic anthem, the ‘MILF’ singer sang breathily into the microphone, hit several dead notes and took the overall key here, there and everywhere as she belted it out to the stunned crowd.

Those in attendance could help but giggle as our beloved anthem was butchered. Famous faces in the crowd included Chance the Rapper and late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, who were caught on camera laughing and smiling as Fergie powered through.

Even many of the players were shown with perplexed grins on their faces.

Check out the laughable performance below…


Understandably, many viewers were quick to take to Twitter to share their distaste for the performance, many of whom branded it the “worst rendition ever”.

Even Rosanne Barr – who performed an intentionally awful performance at the 1990 San Diego Padres baseball game – chimed in, tweeting: “Who saw Fergie’s national anthem performance at the NBA All Star Game? I think mine was better lowkey?”

Here are some of our favorite responses:

1. It was comparable to an American Idol audition

2. Saying it how it is

3. Fergie took a chance

4. Bob Saget sums it up

5. I actually preferred Roseanne’s

6. “OooooOOOoooH SaaaaAAAAAyyyyy CAaaaaaaAAAn YOOOOuuuu SeeEEEEEeee”

7. She Fergged right up

8. Scary Stuff

9. A bumpy ride for all

10. A show of (dis)respect

11. Will anybody top this?

12. The MILF in action

13. Rehearsals

14. And my personal favorite…

I think I can safely predict that it’ll be some time before we see Fergie invited back to perform a national anthem.

But the question that really remains is: Why do artists feel the need to change the national anthem so much? We understand that they want to stand out and be remembered for a great performance, but then just sing well! Our national anthem isn’t some Ricky Martin cover for a wannabe YouTube star to mess around with – it’s supposed to mean something.

It should be putting tears into our eyes and pride in our hearts, not making us giggle from embarrassment.

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