14 Jun Father And Son Were Hoverboarding On Frozen Lake, But Then See Two Creatures In Trouble…
This father and son were enjoying a nice winter activity together, hoverboarding on the icy grounds of Albert Lea Lake when they encountered the most incredible thing. Whilst relaxing in the cold winter’s breeze, the two of them came across a couple of creatures stranded in the middle of the ice, struggling to fight for their survival.
As the two men slowly approached on their hovercrafts, it became clear that these two animals desperately needed help, and were happy to get help from anybody that could offer it…
1. What Was On The Ice?
Somehow, these two animals had managed to walk onto the ice, then somehow slid into the center of the very large frozen lake. There was no way these poor creatures could make it back to the woodlands surrounding the lake, they were well and truly stuck. Just how long would the ice hold up? The rescue mission was on…
NEXT: Oh dear! The situation was more drastic than it looks…
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