18 Oct Experts Reveal The Only Alcoholic Drink That Will Actually Improve Your Sex Life
Having sex under the influence of alcohol is often a pretty bad idea. Especially if you’re having sex with someone you barely know, or god forbid, a total stranger.
Of course everything has its good and bad points. Admittedly, being inebriated is more likely to make you lose your inhibitions when you’re horny. But unfortunately the sex is just never as good as if you were sober. It’s sloppy, messy and totally unsexy. And guys can often go two ways – go on forever, or lose “it” completely.
But is that always the case?
While there are many forms of alcohol that experts would warn you against drinking if you’re about to get laid, there is one special exception.
Apparently, there is one alcoholic bever that not only strengthens your libido, but also makes the sex ten times better. And if you’ve ever seen that godawful movie from back in 2002, Ladies Man, you could be forgiven for thinking that the beverage in question is Courvoisier.
According to the “ladies man” AKA Leon Phelps, Courvoisier is an integral part of every passionate relationship. In fact, he was renowned for saying, “usually it only takes me a bottle of Courvoisier and some Lou Rawls to get excited.”
But how wrong he was? The only thing spirits will do is clamp down on men’s ability to get hard and stay hard. Plus they totally dehydrate women, drying out their vaginas. Where’s the fun in that?
Well, as it turns out, the drink you should be ordering when you go up to the bar is red wine! Red wine surpasses every other form of alcohol when it comes to spicing things up in the bedroom, and this has been backed up by extensive research.
Consuming two glasses of red wine will do wonders for your libido, and the effects can be seen in both men and women.
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