22 Aug ”Experts” Are Predicting That The World Will End Soon After The August 2017 Solar Eclipse
Ah, end of the world predictions. We get at least one a year, and the world has yet to end. I’ll never forget the tension that was in the air in late 2012 when the Mayan prediction was supposed to come to pass.
I was at a house party with my friends joking about the possibility that we were about to meet our fates. The only doomsday scenario that I could imagine happening at the time was the one depicted in Independence Day, and I told my friends I’d totally be down for kicking E.T.’s ass.
Some say that the world will end in fire, others say that it’ll end in ice, and as far as my mom’s concerned, it’ll be a Christian apocalypse. Personally, I’m not so keen on seeing the dead rise from their graves body and soul. Can you imagine the smell?! It’s the only reason I want to be cremated when I die.
However, the latest in the long line of “end of the world” predictions comes from Christian numerologist David Meade. In case you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have seen the once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse take place in the US on August 21, and just in case you did miss it, you definitely would have heard about it.
David Meade spent a long time researching and coming up with his end of the world hypothesis. He’s even written a book about it entitled, Planet X – The 2017 Arrival. As far as Meade is concerned, armageddon began yesterday, and we’ve got about a month left on Earth before it is destroyed in a collision with the planet Nibiru.
Confused? Well, here’s how the end of humanity as we know it is going to go down…
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