14 Jun Enormous Snake is Filmed Regurgitating an Entire Cow
I’m no herpetologist, but I’ve always thought that snakes are pretty downright horrifying. I’ve never encountered one in the wild – not so much as a grass snake or a tiny adder, but I have seen them in zoos and in tanks in pet shops, and I have to say, something about them unsettles me … and that’s not just because of their associations with Lord Voldermort.
Maybe it’s their unblinking, yellow eyes. Or their slithering movements, or sharp, piercing fangs. It could be because of their lightning fast movements, their predatory nature, or their uncommon strength. However, if I had to pin my ophidiophobia down to one particular objection, it would probably be the fact that many snakes swallow their prey whole.
Yes; among anacondas at any rate, the most reliable method they use to devour their dinner is my coiling around the prey with thick bands of ropey muscle, before they begin to slowly crushing the life and breath out of their quarry through a bonebreaking process known as ‘constriction.’ After that they unhinge their jaws and, slowly but surely, eat their meal in one gulp. Then they spend days digesting whatever they’ve chosen to eat.
Pretty morbid right? But as if that wasn’t creepy enough, there’s actually another side to the feeding habits of snakes. Occasionally a snake will literally bite off more than it can chew, and will either suffer from a ruptured stomach, or else choose to vomit their dinner back up again. It’s rare to get a chance to see this gruesome phenomenon in action, but this week a disturbing video has shown the moment when a snake regurgitated the entire body of a cow it had swallowed.
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