24 Jul Elle MacPherson Trolled After Showing What Decades Of Catwalks Have Done To Her Feet
For many people, being a model is a dream job. After all, who wouldn’t want to be admired around the world for their beauty? Better still if that beauty is natural. It’s a seemingly glamorous life filled with designer clothes, penthouse hotel suites, and, naturally, flashing lights and catwalks. But, as we all know, like everything in life, there’s a downside to this dream job.
To begin with, there’s the pressure to always look your best. This can be particularly difficult to deal with in a world where certain attributes come in and out of fashion. The best example of this for women are breasts; where the ideal size has fluctuated over time. What’s more is that many models find it difficult to age gracefully and often resort to plastic surgery as a result.
One model, however, who has managed to hold onto her fabulous good looks and mature like a fine wine is 53-year-old Elle MacPherson – best known for her five record-breaking appearances on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
To see a compilation of Elle’s best catwalk appearances, check out the video below:
At the height of her supermodel fame in the 1980s, Elle was even dubbed “The Body” for her enviable physique.
However, despite having one of the most envied bodies to ever exist, Elle was recently targetted by trolls after she posted a picture of her feet on Instagram on Sunday, which led to her lower extremities being branded “creepy” and “ugly”.
While trolling is nothing new, the fact that Elle has been targetted is a testament to no one being immune. It’s also a reflection of how far the body positivity movement still has to go when it comes to teaching people that every body is beautiful.
Taking to Instagram, the model captioned the following poolside picture of her feet, “Peace”.
However, the slew of comments which this inspired on the 53-year-old’s Instagram account were anything but peaceful.
Now, before we get into them, it’s worth noting that Elle has spent a large proportion of her life walking catwalks in high heels, and, naturally, this is something which likely took its toll on her feet. After all, models have to wear heels that are typically a lot higher than average and, as shows like America’s Next Top Model have proven, this can take a while to get used to.
…And that’s not to mention the broken ankles and muscular pain which particularly high heels can lead to. Yikes.
Instagram user @gagawg613 wrote of Elle’s feet, “Those popcicle [sic] toes though!!!”
Whereas @valdeej questioned, “What is the huge bump on your L mid foot??”
Indeed, there were a number of Instagram users who began to speculate that years of modeling had permanently damaged Elle’s feet with @anafariafernandes asking, “What’s wrong with her feet?”
“Maybe bone spurs? I assume wearing super high heels for years can’t be too easy on the feet,” suggested @mjcx2.
Thankfully, some Instagram users, while not masking away from their dislike of Elle’s feet, stuck up for the supermodel.
“She is a multi-millionaire super model,” wrote @dublingirl10. “I really don’t think she cares about her jacked up feet or she would have photoshopped them. Seriously, calm the foot down.”
Other users of the photo-sharing app took the trolling Elle’s feet were receiving as an opportunity to point out that no one is perfect.
“Elle is a non perfect human being like each of us,” wrote @eps_fit. “If you’re picking on her feet, what do you look like? How blessed she is to have feet many people don’t.”
It was also rightfully pointed out that Elle was never famed for her feet, but her face and body and @coloresmineralmakeup remarked, “No one said she’s a foot model… she’s only a SUPERMODEL… who cares what her feet look like… she’s amazing!!”
A particularly insightful comment was made by @akwriter who wrote, “The negative comments on here signify what is wrong in our culture today – always expecting perfection, ignoring the obvious beautiful elements of the shot to focus on something you perceive as not good enough… while the beautiful Elle is enjoying the peaceful moment!! STFU and leave her be.”
This is why the body positivity movement is so important. As people, we need to embrace our imperfections and realize that it is pointless striving for body ideals because, more often than not, what we see online and in magazines isn’t even a reflection of reality anyway – especially when these ideals cannot be met by one of the world’s most revered supermodels.
The post Elle MacPherson Trolled After Showing What Decades Of Catwalks Have Done To Her Feet appeared first on Viral Thread.
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