13 Mar Demi Lovato Took Off Her Makeup On Camera And People Were Not Impressed
We live in a world where natural beauty is not celebrated enough. Thanks to social media, from the moment we wake up in the morning until the moment we go to sleep at night, we are bombarded with impossible to obtain beauty ideals and the majority are created artificially.
In celebration of International Women’s Day last week, one of the world’s biggest singers, Demi Lovato, took off her makeup to celebrate natural beauty. However, while she might have been well-intentioned, the clip, which was filmed by Vogue, has been slammed on social media.
Watch the video in its entirety below:
The 25-year-old told US Vogue:
“I think society tells us we need makeovers, but why can’t we embrace the beauty that we naturally have?
I love makeup. I love doing my hair. I have extensions. But there’s a time and a place for everything, and natural beauty needs to be celebrated.”
Wearing a full face of makeup is a beauty standard for the majority of women. Not only is it an expensive standard to keep up with, but when women wear makeup and still feel unhappy with their appearances, it can affect them psychologically.
The rise of the body positivity movement, however, has had the positive effect of encouraging many women to wear less makeup and inspired some to ditch their slap entirely. Last year, Psychology Today even reported that an increased number of women are now going makeup free.
At the end of the day, women should do what makes them feel most comfortable in their appearances, and one of the reasons why Lovato decided to take part in Vogue‘s campaign was that she has battled her demons in this department, having previously opened up about her eating disorder.
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