10 Dec Demi Lovato Is Furious About Time Magazine’s Runner Up For Person Of The Year
Every year the world waits with baited breath to see who TIME magazine have chosen for their prestigious ‘Person of the Year’ award. The controversial accolade is awarded to the person who has “for better or for worse… done the most to influence the events of the year.”
The award was not part of mainstream consciousness until last year when the magazine chose then president-elect Donald Trump as the famous face for their cover. The public outcry was almost deafening. How could such a prestigious award be given to a man who’d caused such bitter unrest across the world? To a leader who’d been accused of sexual assault, racism and fraud?
However, Trump isn’t the most controversial figure to be honored by TIME. Back in 1938, the magazine named the Nazi Party leader, Adolf Hitler as ‘Person of the Year’, a mere year before he commenced with World War II. To add further insult to injury, they named the Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin as the title holder the following year, and again in 1942!
So when the magazine unveiled their 2017 ‘Person of the Year’, the expectations were pretty low, especially considering the tumultuous year experienced in politics and the entertainment industry. Could there possibly be any good people left on this Earth?
This year’s winner came in the form of ‘The Silence Breakers’, the men and women responsible for naming and shaming famous figures who’d abused their position of power to sexually exploit those in vulnerable positions. The accolade was represented by many of the women at the forefront of the movement, such as actress Ashley Judd and software engineer Susan Fowler.
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