Delicate Millennials Try Food From 40AD And Have A Seriously Bad Time With It

You may have heard about the ‘snowflake generation’, but for those of you who haven’t, let me explain. The term is used to describe the young adults of this present world who, compared to previous generations, are believed to be more easily offended and ’emotionally vulnerable’.

The term was first popularized by the iconic 1999 film, Fight Club, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, which includes the line: “You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.”

Since then, things have escalated and the term is used frequently to characterize millennials who are deemed hard to please and accused of “whining” when things don’t go their way. There are many theories to suggest why the ‘snowflake generation’ exists, but many attribute it to modern day mollycoddling.

For example, quite often the ‘snowflake generation’ are derogatorily compared to those who came before them, for example, their grandparents who likely fought, or grew up, during either World War I, World War II, or the Great Depression – or, if they were extremely unfortunate, all three.

But then again, times change. There is no greater evidence of this, than when you consider what our ancestors had to eat in ancient times – if you thought eating snails was as bad as it gets, think again! From cow’s ears to sheep’s stomach, nothing was sacred during the dawn of our modern civilizations. But, what would happen if you were to feed this gruel to the supposed ‘snowflake generation’? Would they be able to stomach it?

Watch the video below to find out. Be warned, it gets messy…


I told you it wouldn’t be pretty! But, you were probably not expecting it to be quite that bad!

In their defense, they did have to eat some truly disgusting delicacies from the past. I think most people would respond that way if they were required to chomp on a bit of brain.

Of course, there is one dish featured that is still regarded a delicacy today. It may be hard to believe, but haggis (a savory pudding consisting of a sheep’s heart, liver and lungs, which is then served inside a sheep’s stomach) is still widely eaten in Scotland, where the dish originates from.

In the video, the participants liken the appearance of the dish to “quinoa”, a popular grain that most millennials eat in place of pasta. However, the truth is quite different, for whilst quinoa is very vegan-friendly, haggis is not.

It is hardly surprising that these ancient dishes have mostly died out. I mean, in present society, most people would think twice about feeding all of that to their dog.

Does this make us snowflakes? Because surely if our ancestors could manage it, we can. Or, does this just prove how far the human race has come? Shouldn’t we be watching this and applauding our ability to adapt?

Of course, as a millennial myself, I am part of the ‘snowflake generation’, so in my eyes, I think we should be proud of the fact that we no longer have to eat such mush.

But, maybe my granny will think a little differently. After all, her generation had to survive off of tinned meats such as SPAM when food was rationed during the war – and if you haven’t ever eaten SPAM, then let me tell you (like a true snowflake) there is nothing worse, not even a bit of brain.

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