Dangerous New Trend Has Women Inserting Glitter In Their Vaginas

There are very few things, if any, that I would like to be inserted into my penis.

Down at the clinic, I can tolerate a cotton swab once in a while if it’s beneficial for my physical health, but otherwise, my urethra remains a one-way street that carries severe punishment for any traffic violation. On the other side of the gender spectrum, however, there are a host of products designed to be inserted into the human vagina that really, really, should not be inserted into the human vagina.

Look in the right places online, and you’ll come across wipes, moisturisers and many more items that promise to clean or otherwise relieve the self-cleaning female reproductive organ, not to mention the products that claim to improve the quality of sexual intercourse. The latest in such products is very glittery, and has doctors around the world frantically shouting “no!” when it comes to inserting said product into their cervical opening.

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