15 Mar Dads Want To Help Foster kids All Over The World, So Ellen Does This For Them
Families come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and genders. Gone are expectations of settling down and starting your very own “nuclear family”, complete with a mother, father, biological kids and perhaps a pet or two.
Indeed, Rob and Reece Scheer are the perfect examples of just how much expectations surrounding the family have changed over the years.
They are a married couple with four adoptive children, who had a very troubled history with foster homes and families. Because of this, the Scheers have become passionate about helping other foster kids around the country.
And guess what – during an appearance on The Ellen show, the popular TV host decided to help the dads with their mission in the most unforgettable way.
Take a look at the incredibly heartwarming footage below:
Ellen was on the brink of tears after speaking to the couple, who founded a nonprofit geared at foster kids, called Comfort Cases. Comfort Cases provides foster kids with backpacks filled with what the pair deem to be essential items.
“When [our] kids arrived, we knew that they came with baggage, from homes that just lacked love in general,” the dads explained. “We had a child who was hoarding food in her bedroom because she was scared she wasn’t going to eat, a son who couldn’t talk or walk, another child that didn’t know what it was to hug.”
Although Rob and Reece had no idea this was in store for them when they first filed for adoption, they “made it work [because] that’s what family’s about, you just make it work.”
“They don’t care that we’re white and we’re gay, they care that we love them,” Rob said. “People say all the time that our kids won the lottery… but we won the lottery.”
The doting fathers hope to make their nonprofit an international organization that provides foster kids from all over the world with things they might need.
To help them with their ambitious journey, Ellen Degeneres decided to surprise the two dads with a hefty donation to the cause. It was a very touching moment and goes to show that good deeds are ultimately rewarded.
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