27 Jun Dads Share Viral Photo Highlighting an Important Parenting Lesson
Children are absolutely mental. They have no regard for the social situation they are in and behave like tiny drunk people, 24 hours a day. Whether it is barely being able to walk and talk, spilling food all over themselves and crying when they don’t get their own way, they are a visual representation of what you look and sound like at 3am most Saturday mornings.
When I was a child, my mom used to take me grocery shopping with her and I would turn into an anarchist. The minute her back was turned, I was off. Thumping my way flat footed down the aisles, I was a man on a mission, and that was mission was butter. When I was a kid, I loved butter.
I would find that aisle, run down it, grab a block of butter from the fridge and start eating it. When my mum appeared, I would usually be in some sort of dairy induced coma and she’d put me in the trolley and cart me home (like an Uber).
I’m pretty sure most parents have experienced similar stories when taking their children out shopping. You always see it when you are picking up your groceries, you hear the screams of pain and turn around fearing the worst. But there they are, a little mess, lying on the floor with a share bag of Doritos in their hand.
“No, Hannah, you can’t have the Doritos” pleads the dad, looking weary after a 40 minute drive of “Let It Go” on repeat. “Please, darling, put them back,” he asks tenderly. “Nooooooooooooo I’ll die Daddy, It will make me die if I don’t eat them. I hate you IhateyouIhateyou.” The stand-off shows no sign of stopping.
Justin Baldoni is a man who seems to know a fair bit about these tantrums. Best known as the actor who plays Rafael on the CW show Jane the Virgin, Baldoni is also a father to his daughter Maiya. Taking to Facebook, Baldoni posted a picture that is all too familiar to many parents.
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