05 Jul Dad Sets up Trap to Catch the Man Sending His Teen Daughter Sexually Explicit Messages
In the 21st century, the internet is a wonderful fountain of knowledge there for all to enjoy. But if you’re a parent or guardian of a young person, you’ll know that the online world can also be truly terrifying.
Guardchild statistics, a software company designed to protect vulnerable teens from cyberbullying and exploitation, tell us that more than 50,000 sexual predators are online any any given point in time and that 20 per cent of teenagers using the internet have been a target of unwanted sexual solicitation. But with an estimated 80 per cent of teens aged between 12 and 17 owning a phone, how exactly do we protect our young people in this modern age?
Parents around the world may want to take a leaf out of an Oklahoma father’s book, who took matters into his own hands when he discovered that an alleged sex predator was targeting his teenage daughter. The dad, who wishes to remain unnamed, set up an elaborate sting operation to outsmart his daughter’s assailant before he could harm her.
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