Couple Reveal How They Retired at 40 Completely Debt Free 

I don’t like to think that hard about what will happen in the future, but deep in the corners of my mind, I have a faint idea of how I’d like life to be when I’m 40 years old. In my mind, I imagine myself with a stable job, a happy wife and family, not to mention a nice mansion with a dog. Something impractically large, maybe, like a Dalmatian.

Unfortunately, my eventual mid-life crisis will come to be amidst a significantly darker backdrop. Living in the big city renders it nigh impossible to own decent property or any pet larger than a malnourished border collie, and even if I have a job that keeps the tax man, mortgage payments as well as the crushing student debt at bay, it’ll be a long time, if ever, before I get to retire.

Lindsey Bryant and Vicki Wright are fast approaching the big 4-0, but instead of crumbling under their own existential weight like the rest of us, they’re living the high life; they shop at Waitrose, enjoy four holidays a year, and most impressively, they’ve squirrelled away enough funds to retire.

They took the time to reveal their secrets to retiring before the age of 40, and surprisingly, it doesn’t involve selling all of your organs. Not even one.

The post Couple Reveal How They Retired at 40 Completely Debt Free  appeared first on Viral Thread.

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