15 Jun Cops Raid Drug Dealers House While He’s Bragging on Facebook Live
It’s generally not a good look to be a sore loser, but I think that to be magnanimous in victory is just as important as being magnanimous in defeat. Not only is bragging about your victories and virtues a fast way to lose the respect of your peers, it also leaves you open for a swift dose of karma.
This is never more apparent than when you consider the huge number of criminals who might have never been caught had they resisted the urge to brag about their misdeeds on social media. Last Thursday, Breon Hollings took to Facebook Live to flash wads of cash he had allegedly procured through illegal means, and participated in some good old-fashioned bragging. In a perfect display of bathetic timing, however, this was the exact moment that the police knocked down his door to arrest him.
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