22 May Conor McGregor Has Called Out Floyd Mayweather On Twitter After Agreeing Fight
It has been a “will they, won’t they?” story for the ages. A tale of red-herrings and half truths, of dramatic announcements and quick rebuttals that have rendered fight fans everywhere a bag of nerves, excited beyond reason one minute, disappointed beyond belief the next.
Though Floyd Mayweather has become a master of garnering intrigue and media frenzy since he took charge of his own promotional duties through his company Mayweather Promotions, has anything the hype master ever achieved come close to commanding this level of fanfare and bluster from fans and commentators alike?
Although the months of speculation surrounding the potential bout between the undefeated maestro Floyd Mayweather and UFC’s golden boy Conor McGregor are few in number compared to the nigh-on 10 year slog that preceded Mayweather’s eventual fight again Manny Pacquiao, the level of anticipation is as high, if not higher than boxing’s very own mega fight.
Part of this is due to the fascination that McGregor’s proposed shift in discipline – from mixed martial arts to boxing. Boxing aficionados have openly scoffed at the thought of the Irishman even landing a glove on Mayweather, while those in the UFC warn that one such punch could be powerful enough to stop Mayweather for good.
Despite Mayweather’s penchant for playing the long game to whip fans into a frenzy ahead of his fights, time is not on his side this time round as he approaches 41-years-of-age, and it appears that the bout will be agreed sooner rather than later after McGregor announced that he has signed a contract for the fight. It seems that he is keen for Mayweather to hurry up and follow suit.
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