Confused Customers Show Off Their Hilarious Online Shopping Fails

When it comes to shopping online, there’s always an element of danger. You part with hard earned cash, never knowing whether the thing you have ordered will turn up three sizes too small, take six weeks to show up, or just look nothing like the photo at all.

Most of the time we’re happy, and if it does go wrong then it’s generally just a matter of going through the annoying process of chucking it back their way and waiting patiently for your refund. If you’re really stressed, maybe you’ll fire off an angry tweet to their marketing department. Mostly though, you’ll probably just have a grumble to your housemate.

But sometimes, things go really really wrong, and when they do you just have to laugh – or, to share your misfortune with the world.

He bought a child’s tent by mistake

When this lad was ordering a tent for a festival, he should probably have paid a little bit more attention to the size dimensions. At least it’s going to be cozy?

Talk about an autocorrect fail

Apparently, when this woman’s mom ordered a cake with a “little blond girl” on top, her photo auto-corrected it to blind. To be fair, they did technically get what they asked for…

Now that’s a terrifying teddy

Nothing says Merry Christmas like unwrapping a teddy that looks as if it died of starvation and was left to rot. Maybe next year they’ll send the stuffing.

Sure, these fails are all pretty ridiculous. But they are nothing in comparison to these super expensive mistakes…


We can’t face this one!

If the terrifying teddy wasn’t enough to look at, you can actually become it with this handy Pooh Bear mask.

Dinky deck chairs…

When this person’s mom ordered these deck chairs, she probably expected them to be, well… adult sized? All they need now is a couple of tiny beers and a teeny tiny swimming pool.

This is why you should pay attention in school

When this woman ordered a beautiful spring bouquet, the last thing she probably expected was a bunch of spring onions. Can’t help but think that whoever was in charge of the swaps here may have focused a little too heavily on the ‘spring’ part.

Well, that’s one way to stand out at the gym!

It’s unlikely that a tight mid-thigh bodycon dress was exactly what this guy had in mind when he clicked buy to a grey tank top, but if it’s any consolation to him, he’s totally rocking it. I dread to think what would happen if he rocked up to the gym in it though, especially on leg day.

But, I didn’t order bin bags?

These thigh-high leather stockings were – I presume – designed to be sexy. Needless to say, what turned up was anything but. In fact, they looked at best like two slightly faded garbage sacks, at worst bordering on reptilian. That said, the internet is a weird place so maybe there’s a market for them somewhere.

Expectations vs. Reality

Everyone wants to find the perfect prom dress, but those things can come with some hefty price tags. Sometimes though, it really is a case of you get what you pay for, as this lady’s half-hearted attempt at being a princess proves.

It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it…

Sticking with the clothing theme we have this crochet top, which a 16-year-old ordered online. In mum’s Amazon review of the product, she said: “It is ridiculously small and I probably couldn’t legally post a pic of what it looks like if she attempts to wear it.” Helpfully though, she put it on her poor, innocent cat for scale.

Half the fabric, half the price, right?

On the model, this purple and peach dress had so much potential. Alas, what turned up was essentially a very pretty, very short, parachute.

At least it still has a use!

Haven’t got the checkered dress in stock? No problem, have a shirt instead!

Man size!

Is it a giant man in a normal chair or a normal man in a tiny chair? It’s hard to tell!

And I don’t even want to know what this is 

I don’t know what you’re putting on your face, but I’m praying it isn’t that.

It just goes to show that when you order online, you never really know quite what is going to turn up.

The post Confused Customers Show Off Their Hilarious Online Shopping Fails appeared first on Viral Thread.

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