28 Jun Comedian Tweets Her Annoyance at Random Kid in Coffee Shop Then It All Kicks Off
Another day, another celebrity Twitter drama. The social media channel is such a big melting pot of gossip, arguments and abuse that it sometimes makes you question why celebrities use it. Take David Cameron, the former UK Prime Minister, for example. Cameron, who was a highly divisive figure (which is a recipe for carnage on Twitter), tweeted a happy New Year message on New Year’s Eve and this was the top reply.
The amount of abuse celebrities receive on Twitter surely isn’t good for their mental health? Everything our beloved celebs do on the site is scrutinised by the waiting public. Frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs hungry for some controversy, Twitter users wait for one slip, and pounce.
Whether it is dragging up old tweets to prove a point, or simply using a really stupid meme and getting thousands of retweets, the public usually win their battles and the celebrity tends to end up with egg on their face. Yet they all still use it, they still sit and spit out 140 characters and get hit with a wall of trolls.One person who found out the power of a public backlash the hard way was Canadian comedian and author, Jen Kirkman.
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