Comedian Took Over Her Mom’s Facebook Profile to Start Beef with Her Friends

When I was younger, there was nothing funnier to me and my friends than to log onto each other’s Facebook accounts and post embarrassing statuses. If I went far back enough on my Facebook Timeline, I’m sure I’d find a few updates concerning awkward bodily functions, or bringing my sexual orientation into disrepute. Those statuses would have been posted by somebody else (some of the time), and that’s what you’d refer to as a “Facebook rape”, or “frape”.

Back in the day, I participated in my fair share of frapes. I always found them fun, and I like to think I was rather good at them, but even back then, I knew there were some people who were off-limits when it came to fraping. I would never, for example, log onto my mother’s Facebook profile at any point. That’s exactly what comedian Elle Mills did to her mother, however, hijacking her Facebook and having some interesting conversations with her mother’s friends.

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