28 Jul Breathtaking Moment 40 Ton Whale Is Caught Leaping Out Of The Water
By now you have likely seen plenty of nature documentaries featuring whales, from the peculiar songs they produce to the violent attacks of killer whales. We all know that Blue Whales are the largest of mammals, but without seeing one up close it’s hard to comprehend how vast in size the species really is.
Humpback whales, by no means the largest of the whale family, are still 39 to 52 feet long, weighing an average of 36,000 kg. Even their newborn calves are still much bigger than a human, though divers needn’t worry about getting eaten – their diet is mostly small fish and krill.
Humpback whales are known for breaching the surface of the water, making the species a very popular attraction for whale watchers. When they break the surface, they typically throw only part of their bodies out of the water. At least, that’s what we’ve seen before. Now, recent footage has caught one of these gigantic mammals launching itself completely out of the water.
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