04 Aug Arizona Man Finds Spider-Scorpion Hybrid And None Of Us Will Ever Sleep Again
As the old saying “ignorance is bliss” reminds us, there are some things in this world that we would all be so much happier not knowing about. Nuclear warfare? What’s that! Global warming? That’s not a thing! A Spider-scorpion hybrid? Wait… does that actually exist?
The extremely unfortunate answer to that horrific question is yes, spider-scorpion hybrids are a real thing, and one poor poor man in Arizona had to find that out for himself when he found one near his house. And this isn’t one of those cases where you hear “spider-scorpion hybrid” but it really just turns out to just be a somewhat scary-looking (but innocent) spider. No, this thing is genuinely cousins to both the common spider and the desert scorpion… so good luck sleeping tonight.
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