Archaeologists Claim They Have Now Found The Tomb Of Santa Claus

As I’m sure was pretty common amongst my peers, Santa Claus was a very big deal in my household when I was a kid. We went to Santa’s Grotto at the mall every year. Plus my dad even dressed up as the man one time, complete with a cotton wool beard, red dressing gown and faux big belly courtesy of a pillow.

Because my brother and I took a photo with Santa Claus every year, it didn’t take us long to realize that the gift-giving man looked remarkably different in each and every picture. Yes, we were hit with the disappointment that Santa Claus was a fraud pretty early on.

Of course as most of us know, Santa Claus was based on the legend of Saint Nicholas, a fourth-century philanthropist and bishop who kindly handed out gifts to people, especially young kids. He was also known as the Saint of Children and was renowned for donating money by putting coins into the shoes of the poorest people in southern Turkey.

What made him all the more worthy of celebration was that he did so in secret, and without any conditions attached to his good deeds (not like how celebrities tweet out about any charity donation these days). Plus, Saint Nick was born into a wealthy family but very selflessly gave a large chunk of his money the the poor.

It is believed that Saint Nicholas was born in St Nicholas Church in fourth century Demre, southern Turkey. However, knowledge of his philanthropy spread to Europe in the 16th century, which is why he has become such a central figure in the world’s most celebrated holiday, Christmas.

He was popularized even further when immigrants from the Netherlands moved to the United States, bringing their version of St Nicholas with them. The Dutch referred to him as Sinterklaas so it’s not hard to guess where we got the name Santa Claus from.

Here’s some good news for anyone who wants their childhood dream restored to a time when they actually believed in Santa Claus, or simply for anyone who’s a fan of ancient history. Although he’ll never be the mythical sleigh-flying Santa that we know and love, a team of archaeologists believe they have found the tomb of the fourth-century bishop.

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