07 Sep An Artist Has Drawn The Cast Of ‘Game Of Thrones’ In Tim Burton’s Style And It Is Beyond Epic
Tim Burton is famed for his gothic, often grotesque, but nonetheless poignant movies like Bettlejuice (1988) and The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993). His directing is undoubtedly influenced by his incredibly unique artistic style.
There’s something otherworldly about Burton’s drawings. A little known fact about the director is that he started his career working for Disney as an animator, but lost his job because his style was too out there for the company.
Because Burton’s style is so distinctive, many artists have picked up on its defining characteristics like wide eyes, oversized heads, and long, spindly limbs and used these features to emulate his style. One of these artists is Andrew Tarusov.
The Russian-born artist is a massive Game of Thrones fan, and he decided to use his talent to recreate the Westeros characters that we have come to know and love into Tim Burton’s style. You’ll never look at the Night King the same way again.
1. Daenerys’ dragons look just as terrifying in Burton’s style…
2. John Snow remains a real trooper…
3. Taruso has got these two down to a tee…
4. Even as a cartoon, Cersei is not someone to mess with…
Of all artists to achieve fame, few have a style as distinctive as Burton’s. Disney is a movie powerhouse with a set style, but Burton has consistently remained true to himself and the visions he has of his characters.
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