After Losing Half Her Body Weight This Woman Was Left With Huge Problems

Attempting to lose weight when we’ve become accustomed to a certain lifestyle is one of the most difficult things in the world. It’s hard to break out of convenient habits, even when we know they’re doing damage to our bodies. That’s why most people who are overweight will never lose more than a couple of pounds before giving up completely.

However, to say obesity is purely a combination of overeating and a lack of physical activity would be way too much of a simplification. Often emotional stress and trauma play a huge role in rapid weight gain.

Kayla Butcher was definitely one of these people who suffered from emotional issues, including her impulsive need to overeat. Kayla is a 24-year-old woman from Canada, who managed to achieve something very few people ever do. She lost about half of her body weight, and has never looked or felt better!

Unfortunately, while she had the advantages of being healthier, feeling more attractive and finally having her destructive eating habits under control, she was still left with one problem…

Kayla definitely didn’t have the best start in life. For one thing, she grew up in what she referred to as a “toxic” environment, and from a young age, her issues with food started to spiral out of control. Kayla knew that her mental health had been suffering from a young age, and at 14-years-old, she was diagnosed with depression.

Her condition was pretty severe, and the only way she could “alleviate” at least some of her sadness was by comfort eating.

While people are right to assume that her obesity stemmed from the fact that she was massively overeating, they’re totally wrong if they think she wasn’t leading an active lifestyle. She played every sport from volleyball to hockey, and even ran track. She was a very active child and teenager, but unfortunately that never stopped her from ballooning in size.

“People like to say I made the choice to be fat on my own, [but] this was definitely not a choice of mine… There were drug dependencies and addiction, as well as far too many issues between my parents that they did not keep from the kids”, Kayla confessed.

By her own admission, Kayla was raised in a “toxic, sick home” filled with all kinds of junk food. “Swiss Rolls and Zebra Cakes were my downfall,” she stated, “we never had limits on what we could eat.”

The situation became a lot worse when she started college – it was from this point that she put on a whopping 145 lbs! She had stopped playing softball, and so now her weight was seriously out of control. A couple of years into college, her boyfriend left her, and it wasn’t long after that that Kayla dropped out altogether!

The thing is, Kayla knew that she needed to start putting her health first, so she took part in a publicly funded gastric bypass program where she had a year to prove to her doctor that she was making a serious effort to change her lifestyle for the better. Find out what happened when she eventually did go onto get the gastric bypass surgery she so desperately needed, and why this left her with a certain problem…

The post After Losing Half Her Body Weight This Woman Was Left With Huge Problems appeared first on Viral Thread.

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