25 Jul Adorable Police Dog Loses Its Job For Being Too Friendly
There is something to be said for having a job, and doing it well. A certain satisfaction is well earned after a hard day’s slog, and knowing that you have completed a task to a high standard is in itself a reward. It is a fact, though, that people are simply better at some jobs than others. You would be foolish, for example, to ask an actor to take a look at your plumbing; sure it might be an entertaining few minutes, but the likelihood of your waterworks being fixed would appear regrettably slim.
Though environmental circumstances undoubtedly play their part, we all have our strengths and our weaknesses; our job in life is merely to put our skills to the best possible use.
When you happen to be human, there are a myriad of different trades that you can ply, the possibilities are, in that sense, endless, even if the absurdly competitive and over saturated job market makes actually landing a position something akin to a nightmare. For dogs, though, the path to employment is decidedly narrower. For Gavel, possibly the most endearing police dog of all time, it was simply a case of wrong dog, wrong job.
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