A ‘Suicidal’ Harvey Weinstein Begs A Stranger For A Ride After Fleeing His Daughter’s House

By now, Harvey Weinstein is a name known to everyone, but not just because of his illustrious movie career. The disgraced film executive is currently the most talked about man in show business after a string of A-list women have come forward to accuse him of sexual harassment and rape.

Weinstein has firmly denied all the allegations against him, however a representative for the Pulp Fiction producer stated that Weinstein “believes that all of these relationships were consensual.” Although, his recent actions would seem to contradict this, after the Los Angeles police were called to Weinstein’s daughters home after a “suicidal and depressed” Weinstein ran into the street and begged for a lift from a stranger.

The LAPD were called to 22-year-old Remy Lily Weinstein’s home on Wednesday morning, after his eldest daughter made a welfare call. Officers stayed on the scene for 30 minutes, but no arrests were made.

Neighbors claim they heard Weinstein and his daughter arguing inside the house, before the movie mogul stormed from the property and into the street after shouting, “You’re making it worse!”. Once in the street, he flagged down a car where he asked the driver to take him away. Eventually, Remy Lily managed to bring her father back into the house.

According to TMZ, Lily stated in her 911 call that her father was suicidal, but when officers arrived at the scene she told them that he was no longer at risk. Despite that, police have confirmed that they are still investigating the incident which was caught on camera.

Weinstein had previously announced that he would be traveling to Europe to enter himself into rehab for a sex addiction. However, sight of him still in Los Angeles on Wednesday morning confirmed that those plans had since changed.

Instead, the 65-year-old who has since been fired from the board at his own company, flew to Arizona on Wednesday afternoon. It is thought that he will be checking into The Meadows center, a $40,000-per-month rehabilitation facility popular with celebrities. Disgraced golfer, Tiger Woods checked into the facility earlier this year following his DUI arrest, it was also the facility chosen to treat supermodel Kate Moss for a cocaine addiction after a video of her snorting the substance went public in 2005.

Despite the severe allegations made against the film executive, he still hopes to salvage his career and be reinstated on the board of directors at The Weinstein Company, a company he co-founded in 2005.

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