Woman Finds Childhood Friend Homeless And Addicted To Drugs, Then Changes His Life Forever

It’s often said that true friends are worth their weight in gold. They are the people we turn to in times of crisis for support and their actions can have an immeasurably positive effect on our lives. While there is no doubt that friendships change over time, the bond is always there.

So when Wanja Mwaura stumbled upon her drug-addicted and homeless childhood friend, Patrick Hinga, she knew she had to help him.

Patrick’s problems began early on in life. He was expelled from school for smoking cigarettes and marijuana and this was the first step in his downward spiral into addiction. His mom tried to help him at first, taking him to a hospital to get him the treatment he needed.

However, Patrick wasn’t interested in getting better and he repeatedly ran away from the people trying to help him.

“He complained a lot and said all they did was give him medication and treat him like a mental patient and yet he was not mentally ill and that is why he kept running away,” Patrick’s mother, Nancy, told SDE.

“But when he was out of the hospital, he would walk around the neighborhood completely naked, or he would rummage through garbage.”

Check out the video below to learn more about how Patrick’s incredible story began: 


Patrick’s situation then went from bad to worse when he discovered a new drug, Attain, in hospital.

“It isn’t supposed to be used daily, but because it got him high, he got addicted,” Nancy said. “It was only Sh2 (a few cents) per tablet. He even stole prescription papers and got them from chemists.”

The post Woman Finds Childhood Friend Homeless And Addicted To Drugs, Then Changes His Life Forever appeared first on Viral Thread.

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