Male Survivors Of Sexual Assault Open Up About What Their Attackers Said To Them

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and the #MeToo campaign it inspired, sexual assault is being discussed more than ever before. While this has enabled a lot of people to voice the abuse they have suffered, there are some groups who still find it hard to speak out.

Rose McGowan’s treatment of a transgender woman at a book signing is a testament to this. When asked what the #MeToo campaign she founded had done for trans women, she refused to listen to the fact that transgender women are more likely to be victims of sexual assault.

Another group of people who have struggled to have their experiences of sexual assault heard is men. While there is no doubt that most victims are women, men are still abused in this way. In fact, one-in-33 American men have been the victim of rape or attempted rape.

This number is even higher in the United Kingdom, where 12% of sexual assaults are estimated to have taken place against men.

Society has portrayed men as abusers, and, because of this, there is a lot of stigma associated with male sexual assault. However, a brave group of men have now come forward in an attempt to end this taboo, revealing what their male and female abusers said to them.

These brave men’s stories are being shared on a Tumblr page called Project Unbreakable. It is a photography series that aims to help all survivors of rape, domestic violence, and child abuse. While it mostly features women, a brave number of men also made the decision to step forward.

The post Male Survivors Of Sexual Assault Open Up About What Their Attackers Said To Them appeared first on Viral Thread.

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