02 Feb Woman Tells Her Dad She Has “Lady Issues” And He Reacts In The Best Way
As a woman, there are fewer things more uncomfortable, irritating and deflating than getting my period. In fact, I once heard it described as being like a car crash in your panties, and let me tell you, truer words were never spoken.
It’s painful, it’s messy and the moment it hits you, it can feel pretty tragic.
There are many amusing euphemisms we use to refer to being on our period, such as “Aunt Flow” and “Shark Week”. And while some of them are pretty inventive, none of them hit home as much as the phrase “lady issues”.
Never do I have such debilitating “issues” than when Bloody Mary’s in town, and I know at least one person who’s with me on that. Her name is Kiera Platt.
This is 25-year-old Kiera Platt and her father Mitch Platt.
Kiera and Mitch are pretty much your average father and daughter – except they’re probably a quite a bit (well, a lot) closer.
Kiera often describes her dad as her “best friend for life” and the feeling is very much mutual. As he told BuzzFeed News, he and his daughter are “very close.” And it turns out that this closeness manifests itself in the pair being very open about each other’s bodily functions.
Yep, on Saturday, Kiera texted her dad about her “lady issues” and how it drastically interfered with her working day.
“I told my dad I went home early from work because of lady issues.” Kiera tweeted to her followers.
This is how Kiera’s dad responded:
“Aww sh*t. Which lady bothered you enough to go home??” he wrote with serious concern. “U want me to speak to that bitch?!”
“He’s the master of ‘dad jokes,’” Kiera explained to BuzzFeed News. “He’s never failed at being awkwardly funny,” she said.
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