Here Is The Real Reason You Don’t See Megan Fox In The Movies Anymore

Remember Megan Fox? Of course you do! She exploded to superstardom after Michael Bay cast her in the Transformers franchise. Back in 2007, she was a regular fixture on ‘Hottest Woman Alive’ lists, and her name was all over entertainment news. So what happened to her?

Fox has barely been seen in recent years. She was booted from the third Transformers movie without any explanation and more or less disappeared from Hollywood altogether.

Sure she’s done a handful of movie and TV appearances since, but any movie she’s stared in during the better part of the last decade seems to have been a colossal flop.

Perhaps Fox just burnt out? After all, she was basically plucked from obscurity and thrust into the spotlight. Even Fox acknowledges that she was overexposed.

“I was part of a movie that [the studio] wanted to make sure would make $700 million, so they oversaturated the media with their stars,” Fox told Nylon. “I don’t want to have people get completely sick of me before I’ve ever even done something legitimate.”

However, it turns out Fox’s disappearance from the spotlight is much more complicated than being overexposed…

Back in 2009, at the height of Fox’s popularity, some magazines were calling for a boycott of Fox to end the overexposure. But it was actually Transformers director, Michael Bay, with a little nudge from Steven Spielberg, who ended Megan’s career.

It turns out Bay was not too happy about some comments Fox had publicly made about her Transformers director. At the time, she was just 23 years old, and perhaps giving that much fame to someone so young led to saying some things she really shouldn’t have.

Fox told Wonderland Magazine that Bay was “like Napoleon and he wants to create this insane, infamous mad-man reputation. He wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is.”

She continued, “So he’s a nightmare to work for but when you get him away from the set, and he’s not in director mode, I kind of really enjoy his personality because he’s so awkward, so hopelessly awkward. He has no social skills at all. And it’s endearing to watch him.”

It’s not exactly the kind of thing you should be saying about the person who has the ability to fire you!

It took Bay two years to publicly comment on what Megan had said, but he revealed that it was Steven Spielberg who urged him to fire her immediately, particularly because of her comparison between Bay and Hitler.

“I wasn’t hurt, because I know that’s just Megan. Megan loves to get a response,” Bay told GQ. “And she does it in kind of the wrong way. I’m sorry, Megan. I’m sorry I made you work 12 hours. I’m sorry that I’m making you show up on time. Movies are not always warm and fuzzy.”

Megan has since apologized and admits that time period was a real low point in her career. However, she credits her firing to a true life lesson.

“I wouldn’t have learned as quickly as I did,” she claims. “All I had to do was apologize – and I refused. I was so self-righteous at 23, I couldn’t see it was for the greater good. I really thought I was Joan of Arc.”

Fox, now 31, is a busy mother of three children. She claims she never planned to be an actress forever and always felt she had another calling.

While it can’t be said if she’ll ever return to previous levels of fame, Fox admits to her mistake. Check out the video below for more from Fox on her career and family life:

I guess we’ll always have Transformers, right?

The post Here Is The Real Reason You Don’t See Megan Fox In The Movies Anymore appeared first on Viral Thread.

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