29 Jan ‘Nutella Riots’ Erupt In France After Stores Slash Price Of The Chocolate Spread
Everyone loves Nutella! Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone who doesn’t. That gooey chocolate and hazelnut spread is one of the most delicious things in the world. Plus, I’ll take any excuse to eat chocolate for breakfast!
Clearly, the country of France feels the same way so it should be no surprise that when a national supermarket chain slashed prices on the addictive chocolate spread, people went crazy! Riots broke out, shoppers were injured, and store shelves were left bare all because of Nutella.
On Thursday of last week, Intermarche, a supermarket chain in France, decided to have a sale on Nutella by cutting the price by 70%. That meant that jars cost just $1.75 each, and, when people found out, they stormed the stores.
Police had to be called in order to put an end to what the media is now calling the “Nutella riots”.
“They are like animals. A woman had her hair pulled, an elderly lady took a box on her head, another had a bloody hand,” one customer told French media of those involved in the riots.
Black eyes and other minor injuries were also commonly reported.
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