25 Jan Footage Shows German Civilians Being Given A Tour Of Nazi Death Camp
The greatest unrivaled atrocity in human history was the Holocaust. The brainchild of arguably one of the evilest men to have ever lived, Adolf Hitler, it was an ethnic cleansing programme designed to rid the world of those who were not a part of his ideal Aryan Race.
This resulted in the genocide of six million European Jews in Nazi Germany and German-occupied territories. To put the scale of the holocaust into context, two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population was wiped out and their numbers have never recovered.
While mass genocide might seem unthinkable today, the Holocaust did not begin the way it ended.
It was only after Hitler rose to power in 1943 that he slowly began to persecute against the Jews, blaming them for the economic problems which fuelled his rise to power, and eventually segregating everyone he deemed to be “undesirable” – including homosexuals and the mentally ill.
This segregation resulted in what was dubbed by the Nazis as the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” (better known simply as the Holocaust), and until recently, historians and those who lived throughout WWII claimed that majority of Germans did not know what this involved.
However, new research has proven that the majority of Germans did know about the Holocaust, they just did not know about the use of gas chambers – the epitome of the “final solution” – which the media at the time were prohibited from reporting on.
When allied troops liberated concentration camps in 1945, they made a point of showing ordinary German civilians the atrocity which, directly or indirectly, they had allowed to happen. Needless to say, their reaction was one of absolute horror.
This is epitomized in footage taken around the notorious Buchenwald concentration camp in Weimar, Germany.
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