09 Jan What Your Fingernails Actually Reveal About Our Overall Health
1. Fingernails with a hint of blue
Blue fingernails could indicate that you have a decreased supply of oxygen to your body, or that you’re experiencing problems with your heart or your lungs. In the worst case scenario, it could be an early sign of emphysema. If you notice this on your own nails – get it checked out!
2. White fingernails
Nails that are chalk white are not necessarily healthy so if you notice them turning whiter, this could potentially be a cause for concern. It could indicate that you are experiencing health problems connected with your liver. In particular, white nails tend to be early signs of Hepatitis or Jaundice.
3. Rippled nails
In general, healthy nails are smooth without any cracks or ripples. Unfortunately, if you do have ripples on your nails, this could be a symptom of either psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis. The color of the fingernails will most likely remain the same but the skin below the nails may change color slightly.
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