Game Of Thrones Fans Are Freaking Out After Spotting Something Out Of The 21st Century In This Episode

Thanks to streaming services and being able to pause and rewind live TV, eagle-eyed fans of franchises like Game of Thrones never miss a beat. Gone are the days when television editors could get away with a mistake here and there. Game of Thrones producers, in particular, are held very accountable for their mistakes, and for good reason. It costs upwards of $10 million to produce just one episode!

Fans are eagerly anticipating season seven’s finale (which airs this weekend) after the dramatic penultimate episode ‘Beyond the Wall’ aired. If you’ve not already seen it, now’s the time to stop reading this article, as you are about to enter SPOILER central. But if you have seen it, read on…

‘Beyond the Wall’ was mostly centered on an epic showdown between the Night King and his army and Jon Snow and Co. Jon Snow was on the inevitably doomed mission to capture a White Walker to prove their existence to Cersei Lannister once and for all, and it didn’t take long for things to go wrong.

In this season, ravens seem to be flying at supersonic speed. So it does not take long for Daenerys to find what’s going on, and she flies north of The Wall with her dragons to save her them. The battle that ensues is epic, and left us all with facial expressions like the one below when we saw the WHITE WALKER DRAGON.

However, after ‘Beyond the Wall’ aired fans of the franchise were quick to point out a seemingly colossal editing mistake in this battle scene. On the snow-covered mountain that can be seen in the background of the frozen lake, there appears to be something straight out of the twenty-first century…

‘Beyond the Wall’ was filmed in Ireland. However, the initial plan had been to film it in Iceland, but that did not go ahead because of adverse weather conditions. Instead, the show used its sizable budget to turn a lake in Ireland into a set that appeared to be a frozen lake.

To do that, producers used thousands of dollars worth of equipment and manpower to set the scene before “action” was called. But it’s clear somebody forgot to move their pickup truck out of the way before the cameras started rolling.

The truck was spotted by a Reddit user, who was quick to screenshot the scene and pass it around the internet for all to see and judge.

Of course, it wasn’t long before eagle-eyed viewers took to social media to call out the embarrassing blunder.

But in a shocking twist worthy of the show itself – this screenshot was NOT taken from the last episode.

The screenshot was actually taken from a clip that was being circulated on social media sites showcasing a behind-the-scenes look at how this particular scene was made. Doh! It just goes to show that Game of Thrones fans should do some fact-checking before they begin calling for editors to be fired.

This is what production designer Deborah Riley had to say about filming the scene which has been praised as one of the greatest in the show’s history:

“It’s kind of one of those things when you film something in another location and then are responsible for filming that location off somewhere else, you have to really do your homework to make sure you match it as best you can.

When you stand at the top and look down, it was like we were building an airport or something, the scale of it is enormous.”

Well, I don’t know about you, but I can barely contain my excitement for this season’s finale. There’s no doubt that similar observations like this one are likely to emerge over the coming months anyway – avid viewers will be rewatching this season as they patiently await the show’s conclusion next summer.

The post Game Of Thrones Fans Are Freaking Out After Spotting Something Out Of The 21st Century In This Episode appeared first on Viral Thread.

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